Dynamics Indicator

“Nothing is as old as yesterday’s newspaper.” This statement is more relevant than ever in the rapidly changing media landscape. However, due to the production conditions, my video inventories are ’slow movies‘.

Are the specific grievances that I critically report on in my videos still current? In any case, they are always temporary records.

In order to provide information about whether the conditions described are now ‚yesterday’s news‘ or are still current, I use a dynamic indicator, integrated into the featured image. I do my best to keep it up to date.

On the one hand, in connection with the publication date of the video, the dynamics of Berlin’s development towards a future-oriented, sustainable city should be made clear – in relation to public space, its urban ecological qualities, its design and safe, efficient and environmentally friendly mobility.

And when the original ‚red‘ has hopefully become ‚green‘ in a reasonable near future, the video will still function as historical documentation of a situation that will then fortunately be a matter of the past!

Carsten H. Meyer